Main colors used for Illuvium branded content.
Affinity Colors
Colors used to represent Illuvial affinities (Air, Earth, Fire, Nature, Water)
- Air
- #BCE8E8
- Earth
- #AB54F4
- Fire
- #FF8A00
- Nature
- #6DBE3B
- Water
- #00BFE9
Holo gradient
Colors used to create the Holo gradient:
- 1.
- #9A24EC
- 2.
- #F100D9
- 3.
- #0060F1
- 4.
- #2D51ED
- 5.
- #51F980
- 6.
- #CEEF00
- 7.
- #08CE01
Colors used to create backgrounds.
The best use case is: Dark as the main color + Purple and Blue colors as radial gradients.
- Dark
- #100F1C
- Purple
- #AB00FC
- Blue
- #6400FC